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Lynda JavaEE构建Web服务

2019-08-22 1048

Lynda JavaEE构建Web服务



00. Introduction


What you need to get started

Using the exercise files

Using the challenges

01. About Web Services

What are web services

Working with XML files

Setting up a runtime architecture

Creating a simple service

Building, packaging, and deploying your service

Challenge Build a simple web service

Solution Build a simple web service

02. Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

What is WSDL

Understanding the basic syntax

Exploring WSDL

Implementing a web service

Adding multiple parts to WSDL

Challenge Create a one-way WSDL message

Solution Create a one-way WSDL message

03. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

Introducing SOAP and SOAP toolkits

Exploring the syntax and design of SOAP

Comparing SOAP 1.1 to SOAP 1.2

Challenge Add a SOAP binding

Solution Add a SOAP binding

04. Representational State Transfer (REST)

What is REST

Exploring the syntax and design of REST

Creating a REST root resource class

Using MIME types with RESTful messages

Challenge Create a REST root resource class

Solution Create a REST root resource class

05. Programming a Web Service in Java EE

Specifying the methods and structure needed for the web service

Creating the web service endpoint

Testing a web service without a client

Creating an application client

Challenge Expand the RESTful web service

Solution Expand the RESTful web service

06. Improving Your Java EE Code

Debugging your web services

Optimizing your code

Sending different data types

Enabling security and encryption

Challenge Debug and optimize a sample web service

Solution Debug and optimize a sample web service

07. Extensions

Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM)

Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF)

Bus-enabled web services

08. Conclusion

Where to go from here


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